I haven't said anything about this, because I didn't want to jinx myself, but now I feel like we're out of the woods: Marshall sleeps through the night! He is seven weeks old and for the last week and a half he has consistantly had his last feeding between 2300 and midnight (late, I know, but it's okay) then he sleeps until 0630 or 0700, eats again, and goes BACK TO SLEEP for another 3-4 hours!!!
After the second night that he did this, I thought "Oh! Maybe we're into something good..." and now I am convinced. It has been so great. However, because I'm nursing him, I have to get up in the middle of the night to pump, because I can't go 6.5-7 hours without feeding him; I'll explode. So even though he is sleeping through the night, I'm not, but it's okay because now we are all on a really nice schedule. (And getting up once to pump is a million times better than getting up every 2.5-3 hours to nurse him!)
How we got such a sweet baby is beyond me. The above photo was taken today - he's getting so big! And he is starting to smile, but only if he's really happy to see you.