Nothing exciting is going on with us. I continue to work on the weekends, giving Kreat time to be with Marshall alone. He truly enjoys his father-son time and I enjoy the opportunity to get out and do something for myself.
Marshall is not crawling yet, but I'm not concerned. He continues to be a very smiley, happy baby who loves to eat and play with my hair. He is a very sweet boy. Enough of the small talk, I'll get to the photos.
The other day I was driving home from the grocery store and heard Marshall start fussing. I knew that he wanted to take a nap, and after a few minutes of mild crying he was out. When I opened the door this is what I saw.
Yep, he pulled his sock off to use as a binky to help him go to sleep.
He always has a smile for you.
Marshall has discovered that he has a tongue and leaves it out all of the time. We think he learned it from Lola.
Lola's been a bad influence.
Isn't he so sweet? I love these pics.
And this morning he snuggled me in bed.
Love the "sock binky"...what a clever kid :)
I thought it was hilarious how he used his sock as a binky--he must be a very smart boy! I also love how he is sticking out his tongue like Lola. And he is so cute in the last picture, he looks like he is just waiting patiently for his favorite person to wake up. We are really looking forward to seeing the three of you in May!
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