Today I took Marshall to the pediatrician's office for his two week check. Everything is great. He weighed 7#13oz (51st percentile) and was such a trooper when they drew his PKU. This child just does not get upset about much.
He continues to nurse like a pig ("fat baby pig" is what we call him) and he is still sleeping pretty damn well during the night; I'm up about every 3-4 hours so I truly cannot complain. Some nights are better than others, of course, but we're all doing well.
I had to go back to school yesterday so Kreat and Marshall had father-son day. At this age, all that meant was Kreat fed him when he was hungry and changed his pants as needed...not a very exciting day for either of them, but I felt really comfortable leaving them together. Being in class was somewhat of a nice change of pace. I came home on my lunch break and pumped, ate with Kreat, snuggled Marsh-mellow for a while and went back for my last two hours. It was kind of refreshing to be around my peers and participate in something intellectual. We'll see if the enthusiasm continues as the end of school draws near.
I cannot believe how much bigger he looks already! He is so cute! I can't believe I have to wait over two months to hold him!
I am so jealous that you get to use your brain!!!! I long for more than we sing silly songs and peek-a-boo.
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